What holds us back most in life?!

What is this invisible force that makes us play it safe?!

Why are we so down on ourselves?!..

I’ve said it before that you’d never talk to anyone the way you talk to yourself. And if you did they wouldn't want you around. 🤷🏻‍♂️

So why do we talk down to ourself?

Why do we treat ourselves like failures?!

What I’ve come to discover is our negative self talk surfaces as the biggest critic we’ve ever been confronted with.. you may not know this but I was made fun of as a child which made me feel not good enough.

I would hide from my tormentor by getting picked up and dropped off at school. Or dodging them during school hours.

But the crazy thing about the inner critic is we take that pri*k everywhere with us.

Trust me I know.. I’ve been in many battles with my inner critic over my life.

Fights that revolved around...

Feeling like a failure.

Feeling worthless.

Feeling not good enough.

Feeling insignificant.

How do I know this, because I use to think I was a failure, I was worthless, I was a loser, I wasn’t good enough.

My wounded inner child was damaged which caused me to self sabotage any potential fun or success I could possibly have.

Instead, I was trapped in my mind replaying the stories from my past which didn’t serve me one bit. I ended up holding myself back from experiencing life’s greatest gift, the present moment.

As I traveled through my life and did lots of self reflection and work on myself.. I discovered that these stories were lies.. and that my association to these memories needed to be reframed and refocused.

So I did the work.

Was it easy? NO.

So I learned to manage these thoughts and I realized the truth!

That we are far better off than we ever imagined ourselves to be...

We are winners. 💯

We are worthy of love and acceptance. 💯

We are more than good enough. 💯

We are meaningful and awesome just the way we are. 💯

Tell me what landed most in the comments 👇🏻 and with that said...I send you all positive healing energy… and remember to speak life into this day & everyday moving forward!!! Because one day, you’ll look back glad that you did!! ❤️❤️❤️

👇🏻 Share this with someone that needs to hear it

Conquering the Inner Critic - Inner Critic Coaching

in this course, we DISCOVER and identify how the inner critic is affecting your life. Then we EMPOWER your inner healer helping you ELEVATE to your most authentic & unapologetic self. 🔥🧙🏻‍♂️

Matt Skinner
Matt Skinner

Spiritual, NLP, Mindset Guy 👉🏻 I show people how to tune into their dream life by creating a harmonious relationship with themselves!